Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I served in Buenos Aires Argentina. My second to my last area I was serving in the great city of Avellaneda. The Olivari’s from the ward are actually from my area in Avellaneda. My companion, Elder Love and I received a referral to teach someone in an area that has been closed to the missionaries for a fatality of one of our missionaries in that section of town. We both felt impressed by the spirit to go and seek this referral.

We prayed early in the morning before leaving to La Isla Maciel that angels would protect us. As we got to the only entrance, which also served as the only exit of this neighborhood, it felt like time stood still. Nobody was on the streets. Now for a little background of the ghettos of Buenos Aires, when you go down one of the tunnels, you are basically walking shoulder to shoulder with the walls of the houses. The people share the walls and every about 50 feet is another door to another shack. We walked right to the street and as we stood at the entrance to the tunnel where the referral lived, we found ourselves face to face with this young man who was probably the same age as us. We looked into his clear blue eyes and without hesitation we began to talk to the man. We asked him if he knew our referral. He confirmed. He asked us to follow him down the tunnel. If butterflies were as big as eagles I would have had those types of butterflies going in my stomach, meaning that I was very nervous going down this tunnel not knowing what may happen to us.

We get to the door of our referral and the man just disappears. We personally feel that this young man was sent to help us that day. The reasoning why we felt that was not when we first saw him, it was as we were walking out of the entrance/exit. As we were walking out of the neighborhood there were about 10 cop cars parked there with their sirens going off. We walked right out of there as if nobody had seen us. It was very special to me and to my companion.

I was in the same area Avellaneda but in the neighborhood Dock Sur, where the Olivari’s have lived. This area I have got to tell you changed my life. I am so indeed grateful for the chance to serve there. My companion and I were white washed into the area, meaning that the 2 elders before us were both removed, so we didn’t know the area at all. One day Elder Love and I wanted to be like angels because of what we had been studying in the scriptures. We prayed hard for this. We were walking into Dock Sur, and the entrance is under the overpass of the Autopista, it takes about 1 full minute to walk from one side of the overpass to the other. When we got about half way through, we had heard a woman yelling “Hermanos”. Since we were white washed into the area we assumed that she was a member of the ward. She was walking towards us. We saw her come towards us with a frantic look on her face. She told us to turn around and walk the other way. So we had her walk between us and we walked away.

My dad is a detective and I know it is not hereditary, but I have picked up on some of his detective traits. I looked behind us and I saw this large man walking behind us putting a gun back into his jacket. We turned the corner onto a street. The woman was not a member of the church. She said to us something that will forever remain in my heart and head. She said, “You hermanos are angels that man had his gun out and was about to rob me” we were so humbled that day. I looked around the corner to see if he was still following us. When I confirmed that he was gone, I turned to talk to the lady to see if we could go and teach her, however she was nowhere to be found.

Now, I want to talk a little bit about how I feel about bringing forth Zion. In a way we are like angels in a world that needs a lot of help. We need to be ready at any time to serve and to help those in physical, mental, and even economic help. Because of the many things that this church has done for me and for the protection and for the young men’s programs and the scouting programs, I personally am indebted to the church for as long as I live. I can not tell you all how much I love this church and will defend it at all times.

My final tangent on this little talk would have to be a very personal one. If receiving blessings were like being in debt this one would be my largest credit card balance. 10 years ago I had an eating disorder that was slowly draining me from life. I was 13 going on to 14 and I weighed 68 pounds. That is not normal. The ward I was in which almost all of you were a part of Corona 3rd ward, had done a special fast for me to get better. We had traveled to Utah to go on a last trip before I had to become hospitalized. I had received a few blessings to have the strength to overcome this disorder. Because of angels like you, and for the power of the priesthood, I will forever have a testimony of the veracity of this work. I will forever know of the healing power of the priesthood and for the angels that bear it. I love my family so much. I know this sounds weird but they are my angels. They help me when I need help. They make me laugh when I need a laugh. They give me hugs when I need a hug, and I love hugs by the way J.

I hope that we respect those who are out to protect us. I hope that we realize the angels in our lives.

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